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      1400 Peoples Plaza,
      Suite 301
      Newark, DE 19702

      BioTE Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women Newark DE

      Congratulations Dr. Knapp!!
       Delaware's #1 BioTe Provider!

      BHRT for Women Newark DE

      Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

      • Difficulty sleeping at night
      • Lack of energy and fatigue during the day
      • Reduced mental focus and memory
      • Moody, anxious or depressed
      • Weight gain, including increased fat around the midsection
      • Inability to lose weight regardless of healthy diet and exercise
      • Decreased muscle strength
      • Muscle and/or joint pain
      • Reduced sexual desire and performance
      • Feel horrible and you can't figure out why
      • Miserable 

      What is female hormone replacement therapy?

      Female hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can take the form of patches, creams, pills, or pellets. These treatments and therapies contain estradiol, progestin, and testosterone. When hormones are out of balance, hormone replacement therapy can help with many different symptoms including emotional symptoms, reproductive symptoms, and non-reproductive symptoms.

      What is BHRT?

      BHRT stands for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. What does that mean? Bio-identical refers to how molecularly similar the supplemental hormone is to the human hormone. Other supplemental hormones such as the ones administered by conventional physicians are not bio-identical. Bio-identicals are derived from plants while synthetic hormones are derived from animals.  The most commonly used bioidentical hormones include estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

      One of the main advantages of bioidentical hormones is that they are believed to be more easily recognized and metabolized by the body compared to synthetic hormones. This is thought to reduce the risk of certain side effects associated with synthetic hormones. Additionally, because they are identical to the body's own hormones, they are often favored by those seeking a more natural approach to hormone replacement therapy.

      Hormone replacement therapy is the purpose of bio-identical hormones. People who lack certain hormones or who have too much of a certain hormone may benefit from BHRT.  They are often used as a treatment for hormone imbalances, particularly in menopause or andropause (the male equivalent of menopause), where the body's natural hormone production decreases.

      What are BHRT pellets?

      BHRT pellets are subcutaneous implants that are inserted into the hip area. They are made of custom-compounded hormones and natural binders to hold them together. The hormones are compounded in one of two pharmacies in the United States that are licensed FDA outsourcing centers and are held to strict standards. Every batch of hormones is tested for consistency, purity and comes with our guarantee that our patients are being provided the best possible therapy to help their healing.

      How can BHRT help menopausal women?

      Rather than taking pills or other methods of hormonal administration that may not offer consistent hormonal doses, BHRT pellets offer consistent doses throughout the day. This relieves women experiencing menopause from the rollercoaster effects of hormones with less consistent administration. Learn more about BHRT pellets from Dr. Knapp today!

      What can I expect from BHRT?

      While everyone’s results are different, the process for considering, getting, monitoring, and continuing with BHRT is typically the same with all our patients. Your first appointment with Dr. Knapp, a BioTE certified provider, will include hormone testing. The next appointment will be to review your tests, after which you will be able to get a BHRT pellet inserted on that or the next visit.

      What are the drawbacks of pellet therapy?

      Pellet therapy may not be covered by your insurance provider. However, pellet therapy, especially when compared to the cost of treatment for the myriad conditions it lessens and prevents, is very cost-effective as well as natural.


      How do I get started?

      The process is as follows:

      1.) Call Vitality Health (302) 202-4142 or fill out the information form below for us to call you 

      2.) You will be scheduled for a BioTE® Consultation. You will be asked to fill out the BioTE® female new patient paperwork that can be found on this website under the Resources tab/forms. The patient is required to either fax or email ([email protected]) the new patient paperwork to the office prior to the consultation so that we can enter all of your information. The consultation visit is about 10-15 minutes in length.  At the visit Dr. Knapp will be asking you for your medical history and family medical history along with any medication you are currently taking. 

      3.) At this time you will explain to Dr Knapp any of the menopause symptoms that you have been experiencing in detail. 

      4.) Dr. Knapp will explain bioidentical hormones and if they could be a potential solution for how you have been feeling. 

      5.) If you would to proceed with the pellet insertion, the next step to to get blood work completed.  This is not routine bloodwork. This is an extensive test.  Dr. Knapp will give you the lab order at the end of the consultation.  You may use your personal health insurance to cover the cost of the bloodwork.  

      6.) As soon as we get the lab results, we are ready for your next appointment for lab review. 

      7.) This appointment is at our office location.  At this appointment Dr. Knapp will go over all the lab results in more detail and explain what they mean and how they impact your symptoms.  

      8.) If Dr. Knapp feels you are a good candidate for BioTE pellets you will have opportunity to get pellets inserted at the end of the lab review appointment.  The prescription used is based on your blood work results.  Each patient has a customized individual prescription. 

      9.) Once your pellets are inserted, we will reach out to you approximately 4 weeks from insertion date.  At this time, our staff will ask how you are feeling, if you notice anything different, and more details about your symptoms.  If you are feeling great, we may tell you to wait a week or two and then get your next round of blood work. If you are not feeling any different or symptoms haven't changed we will tell you to get the 2nd round of blood work as soon as possible so we can see where the hormone levels are reading with the pellets being inserted.  The second round of blood work is much smaller than the first round.  

      10.) If your levels are up and you feel great, we will see you in 3 months depending on your prescription for reinsertion.  

      Till then....enjoy the new you! 

      Frequently Asked Questions

      1.) Is the BioTE Consultation or Biote Pellet insertion covered by my insurance?

      No, this is a plant based product and not covered by insurance.  Many patients use their FSA (flexible spending account) or their HSA (health savings account) to pay for the pellets.  Each company is different.  The patient would need to check with their HSA or FSA.

      2.) I have a hard time getting off of work for the consultation.  Can we do this via televisit? 

      Yes, just recently due to overwhelming requests, Dr. Knapp is now offering BioTE consultations during limited office hours.

      3.) Does it hurt to have them inserted? 

      The most you feel is a small needle pinch.  There is a numbing medicine in the procedure to reduce feeling any discomfort.

      4.) How long is the procedure? Do I have any down time?

      The entire procedure is about 5-10 minutes in length.  There is no down time.

      5.) Do I have any restrictions after getting pellets? 

      You cannot exercise the lower body or submerge in water for 3 days.

      6.) Do I have to have stitches to keep the pellets in? 

      No, it is a very small incision that a butterfly bandage is used to close.

      7.) How often do I have to get the pellets? 

      For women it is about every 3 months  depending on how you feel.

      8.) How soon should I start to feel different?

      Everyone will react at different times.  But most people will notice a change within two weeks but it could take longer.  The second round of bloodwork will confirm if hormone levels are changing.

      9.) How often do I have to get bloodwork?  

      The initial bloodwork is done prior to the first insertion.  To make sure we achieve adequate hormone levels, additional bloodwork is done 4-6 weeks after first insertion. After that, bloodwork is required annually to check hormone levels.  

      10.) Should my partner/spouse get pellets?

      A large majority of our patients partner or spouse are also receiving bioidentical hormone therapy.  If you do decide to have a partner or spouse also get pellets, we offer a 10% discount.  

      BioTE® Nutraceuticals

      What Are Nutraceuticals?

      BioTE® Nutraceuticals are high-grade supplements containing high-quality ingredients that undergo 3rd party validation.

      What Kinds of Nutraceuticals Does BioTE® Medical Provide?

      BioTE® Medical offers DIM, ADK, Probiotics, Omega 3, Omega 30 Plus, Iodine Plus, Multivitamin, Methyl-Guard Plus, and Meriva 500 SF nutraceuticals.

      What Can BioTE® DIM Help With?

      Diindolylmethane or DIM is contained in green, cruciferous vegetables. DIM is reported to modulate the immune response and may show potential use in fighting viral infections, skin disorders, bacterial infections, and other conditions.

      What Is in BioTE® ADK5 and ADK10?

      BioTE® Medical offers a unique blend of Vitamins A, D3, and K2 at two strength levels. BioTE® ADK combines the right vitamins the body needs for good bone health.

      What Can BioTE® Probiotic Help With?

      BioTE® Medical's Probiotic may improve digestive health with its proprietary blend of Vitamin C and three probiotics: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

      What Is in BioTE® Omega 3?

      BioTE® Medical's Omega 3 contains fish oil concentrate and vitamin E.

      What Is in BioTE® Omega 30 Plus?

      BioTE® Medical's Omega 30 Plus contains 30 Fatty Acids that your body needs.

      What Can BioTE® Iodine Plus Treat?

      BioTE® Iodine Plus contains potassium iodide, iodine, zinc, selenium, and potassium.

      What Is in the BioTE® Multivitamin?

      The BioTE® Multivitamin contains over 20 nutrients that are essential to health. These include 100% of daily Vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, as well as 100% of Iron, Zinc, B6, B12, and Folate, and over a dozen other key nutrients.

      What Can Thorne Research Methyl-Guard Plus Help With?

      Methyl Guard Plus contains folate, B6, B12, and B2.

      What Can Throne Research Meriva 500-SF Help With?

      Meriva 500 SF from Thorne Research is a patented curcumin product. Curcumin is a yellow substance found in turmeric. This nutraceutical is soy-free (SF) due to it being bound to sunflower phospholipids.

      Where Can I Get Nutraceuticals from BioTE® Medical?

      Nutraceuticals from BioTE® Medical are available through our office.

      What Are The Prices?

      DIM $45.00
      ADK 10 $40.00
      ADK 5 $40.00
      Probiotic $27.00
      Omega 3 $28.00
      Omega 30 Plus $45.00
      Methyl Guard $45.00
      Iodine $45.00
      Meriva 500-SF $40.00

      Request Your Appointment Today!

      To request your appointment, please call (302) 202-4142 or contact us online today!


      Our Newark, DE Location

      Vitality Health & Med Spa
      1400 Peoples Plaza, Suite 301
      Newark, DE 19702
      Phone: (302) 202-4142
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